Pose the First Ring

Learn how to duplicate and pose the rings for a more realistic final render.


In the command bar, type group to group the model and facilitate posing.

Position the First Ring

Type rotate in the command bar to rotate the ring into position on the XY plane.

Consider which parts of the ring will touch the ground if it were resting.

Enable the OSnap option for precise selection of points.

From the Right View, select the topmost point farthest to the right and the bottommost point farthest to the right.

Hold Shift (or activate Orto) and rotate the ring by 90 degrees to make it rest on the ground.

Return to the Four Viewports

Select the ring and use the ArtisanCenter command in the command bar to center the first ring across all viewports.

Use Pan, Zoom, Rotate, and Rotate All options to adjust all viewports.

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Creating Copies of the Rings

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