The ExtrudeCrv command creates a surface by tracing the path of a curve in a straight line.


  1. Select a curve.

  2. Specify a distance.

Command-line options


  • Surface: Create an extrusion or a surface object

  • SubD: Create a SubD object.

    • A SubD friendly curve as the input creates a better SubD object.

    • Some options may not be available when Output=SubD.

Direction: Pick two points to define the extruding direction.

BothSides: Extrude towards the both sides of the input curve.

Solid: If the profile curve is closed and planar, both ends of the extruded object are filled with planar surfaces and joined to make a closed polysurface.

ToBoundary: Extrude the object to a boundary surface.

DeleteInput: Specify if the input object will be deleted.


  • Yes: Tangent points on the input curve extrude as joined edges.

  • No: Tangent points on the input curve extrude as surface kinks.

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

Last updated