The InsertEdge command inserts edges beside an edge loop (left) or across an edge ring (right) on a SubD or mesh.

When edges fail to insert, the defective geometry is marked with a text dot. The secondary text in the text dot properties gives a hint of what should be repaired.

Command-line options


  • Loop

    Insert edges beside the selected edge loop.

    BothSides - Insert edges on both sides of the selected edge loop.

  • Ring

    Insert edges across the selected edge ring.


  • Full

    Select an entire edge loop (left) or ring (right) based on the Type option to insert edges.

  • Range

    Select the start and end edges in a range of loop (left) or ring (right) based on the Type option to insert edges.


  • Proportional

    The amount is proportional to each crossing edge length. The input number should be between 0 and 1.0.

  • Absolute

    The amount is same for all edges. The input number is a distance in the model unit.

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

Last updated