The OffsetSrf command copies a surface or polysurface so that locations on the copied surface are the same specified distance from the original surface.


  1. Select a surface or polysurface.

  2. Infinite Plane: Type IP for InfinitePlane options.

  3. Type the offset distance, and press Enter.

Command-line options

Distance: Sets the offset distance.

Corner: Specifies how offset corner continuity handled. These options only apply if the offset direction is to the "outside" as shown in the image.

  • Sharp: Curves offset to the outside of a corner will be extended to meet at sharp corners with position (G0) continuity.

  • Round: Curves offset to the outside of a corner will be filled with arc segments with tangent (G1) continuity.

ThroughPoint: Offsets through a picked point instead of at a distance.

FlipAll: Flips the offset direction of all selected surfaces. Arrows indicate the positive offset direction.

Solid: Makes a closed solid from the input and offset surfaces by lofting a ruled surface between all of the matching edges.

Loose (Surfaces only): The control point structure of the offset surface is identical to the original surface.

Tolerance: Sets the tolerance for the offset surface. Type 0 to use the default tolerance.

BothSides: Draws the offset on both sides of the original.

DeleteInput: Deletes (Yes) or keeps (No) the input objects.

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

Last updated