The FitSrf command tries to reduce the number of surface control points while maintaining the surface's same general shape.


  1. Select surfaces.

  2. Type a new tolerance value or press Enter to accept the default.

  3. Type 0 (zero) to use the current absolute tolerance.

Command-line options


  • Yes: Deletes the original geometry.

  • No: Retains the original geometry.

ReTrim: Trims the new fit surface with the original trimming curves.

UDegree/VDegree: The degree of the surface in the u or v direction

OutputLayer: Specifies the layer for the results of the command.

  • Current: Places the results on the current layer.

  • Input: Places the results on the same layer as the input curve.

  • TargetObject: Places the results on the same layer as the target surface.

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

Last updated