Gems on Curve - Advanced

With this command, you can parametrically add gems to any curve. This is especially useful when adding gems to organic designs, as well as complex pieces that follow curves.

Running this command will display its parameters in the Commands toolbar.

The Command Toolbar of this tool is divided into two main sections:

  1. Selection Panel: This section allows you to select the curve along which the gems will be distributed and the object towards which the gems will be oriented.

  2. Parameters Panel: In this section, you can define various parameters for gem placement. Key options include:

    • Number of Gems: Set the total number of gems to be placed along the curve.

    • Gem Sizes: Specify the size of the first and last gems in the distribution. The software will then interpolate the sizes of the gems along the curve between these two values.

    • Secondary Row of Gems: If needed, you can configure a second row of gems that will be placed after the first set.

Additionally, you can fine-tune the gem placement with the following settings:

  • Distance and Z-Axis Adjustment: Adjust the spacing between gems and move them along the Z-axis to control their distance from the object they are oriented towards.

  • Alignment Options:

    • Curve Alignment: Choose where the distribution of gems begins along the curve—either from the Start, Center, or End.

    • Vertical Alignment: Determine the point from which the gem will be oriented, either from the table or the girdle of the gemstone.

For more precise control:

  • Stone Rotation: Adjust the rotation of the gems to achieve the perfect orientation if further editing is needed.

  • Starting Point: Choose whether the gem distribution starts from the boundary of the stone or its center point. This setting is crucial for projects with minimal margins between components or when working with very small gems.

Finally, you will notice dark points at the ends of the curve. By moving these dark points, you can adjust the area of gem distribution along the curve.

Goldsmith Tip : It can be very effective to adjust the control points of the curve you’re using to distribute the gemstones. After making adjustments, reselect the curve in the selection panel. This approach allows you to dynamically refine the curve, leading to more precise placement of the gemstones.

Once you confirm your changes, all the stones you have generated will be listed on the Outliner toolbar.

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