The SubDBox command creates a subdivision box object.


  1. Specify the face numbers in the X, Y, and Z directions.

  2. Pick two points for the opposite corners of the base rectangle.

    Press and hold Shift to draw a square.

    Or, select one of the options to draw the rectangle in a different way.

  3. Pick the height.

    Press Enter to use the width value for the height.

Command-line options

Diagonal: Creates a box from the diagonal corners. If you pick the two corners on the CPlane, the command prompts for picking the height.

  • Cube: Creates a box with six square faces from the diagonal corners.


Draws the rectangle using two opposite corners.


Draws the rectangle using two adjacent corner locations and a location on the opposite side.

  • EdgeMidpoint: Draws the rectangle from the midpoint of the first edge, an end of the edge, and a location on the opposite side.


Draws the rectangle perpendicular to the construction plane.


Draws the rectangle from the center point and a corner.


Draws a rectangle perpendicular to a curve.


  • Select a curve and pick the center of the rectangle on the curve.


The number of faces in the x/y/z direction.

Type a number other than 0 and press Enter to set the same number for all directions. Typing 0 picks a point at the current CPlane origin.

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

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