
Below is a list of commands tailored for creating and managing circles in your project.


The Circle command draws a circle from a center location and a radius.


Draws the circle from the two ends of its diameter.

By 3 Points

Draws a circle through three points on the circumference.

Around Curve

Draws a circle perpendicular to a curve.

Tangent, Tangent, Radius

Draws a circle tangent to two curves and a given radius.

Tangent 3 Curves

Draws a circle tangent to three curves.

Vertical CPlane: Center

Draws a circle perpendicular to the construction plane at a given center.

Vertical CPlane: Diameter

Draws a circle perpendicular to the construction plane with a given diameter.


Draws a NURBS approximation of the curve will be created with the degree and number of points you specify.

Fit Points

Draws a circle by fitting to selected point objects, curve and surface control points, and mesh vertices.

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