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The VariableChamferSrf command creates a chamfer surface between edges of intersecting surfaces with varying distance values, trims the original surfaces faces, and joins the resulting surfaces.
Select two intersecting surfaces for variable radius chamfer on the surfaces near the edge that will be chamfered. Surfaces must intersect. Handles will appear on surface edges.
Infinite Plane: Type IP for InfinitePlane options.
Press Enter to use the default distances. Or Type a new distance any time the ChamferDistance option displays on the command line.
Specify a command line option. Or Select a handle to edit.
FromCurve: Select a curve. The radius of the curve at the picked location will be used.
FromTwoPoints: Pick two points to show the radius distance.
AddHandle: Adds a handle along the edges.
CopyHandle: Adds a new handle using the distance from the selected handle.
RemoveHandle: Visible only when at least one handle has been added.
SetAll: Sets the distance or radius for all handles.
LinkHandles: Editing a single handle updates all handles.
DistFromEdge: The distance from the edge curves determines the intersection.
RollingBall: The radius of a rolling ball determines the intersection.
DistBetweenRails: The distance between the edge rails determines the intersection.
TrimAndJoin: Trims and joins the resulting surface to the input surfaces. History only works if TrimAndJoin=No.
Preview: Displays a dynamic preview. You can change the options and the preview will update.
For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.