
The ExtractControlPolygon command fits a polyline through the control points of a curve or a polygon mesh through the control points of a surface.


  1. Select curves or surfaces. This creates polylines and/or meshes that have vertices at the original objects' control points.

Supported input

  • Curves, Polycurves, Surfaces

  • SubDs

Command-line option

  • OutputLayer:

    Specifies the layer for the results of the command.

    1. Current: Places the results on the current layer.

    2. Input: Places the results on the same layer as the input curve.

      Note: If the input object is in a model that is attached using Worksession, the object will be placed on the current layer.

    3. TargetObject: Places the results on the same layer as the target surface.

  • SubCrv:

    Type subcrv to select part of a curve as input.

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

Last updated