
The Radius command reports the radius of a curve at a specified point.


  1. Move the mouse cursor along a curve.

    The Units pane on the status bar reports the radius of the curve at the current cursor location.

  2. Pick a point on the curve.

    The diameter and radius report to the command-line.

    If the diameter and radius return "infinite", the curve is linear (no curvature) at the picked location, or has the shape of a line or a polyline.

Command-line options

SelectCurve: Limit the selection to a specified curve. Press Enter to select any curve.

MarkDiameter: Places a point object at the evaluated point on a curve and creates a curvature circle through that point.

Units: Set the units for the length display. This option is only available if no objects are selected.

SubCrv: Type subcrv to select part of a curve as input.

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

Last updated