The Tube command draws a closed cylinder with a concentric cylindrical hole.


  1. Pick the center and radius of the base. See the Circle command for option descriptions.

  2. After drawing the base circle, pick the radius/diameter for the second tube wall.

  3. Pick the end of the tube or type a height.

Command-line options

-Direction constraint options: Direction constraints restrict the direction of the circle.

  • Nonce: The center can be anywhere in 3-D space.

    • Pick the second point anywhere using elevator mode, object snaps or other modeling aids.

  • Vertical: Draws an object perpendicular to the construction plane.

    • Pick the center and a radius or diameter.

  • AroundCurve: Draws a circle perpendicular to a curve.

    • Select a curve and pick the center of the circle on the curve and a radius or diameter.

-BothSides: Draws the object on both sides of the start point, creating the object twice as long as you indicate.

-WallThickness: Specifies the value for the distance between the inside and outside of the tube.

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

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