
Below is a list of commands tailored for the creation and management of lines in your project. These tools enable precise and efficient generation of line elements.


The Line command draws one line segment.


The Polyline command draws a series of joined line or arc segments.

From Midpoint

Draw one line segment from its midpoint.

Normal To Surface

Draw a line segment normal to a surface.


Draw one line segment at a bisecting angle.

Vertical To CPlane

Draw a line segment perpendicular to the construction plane.


Draw one angled line segment.

Perpendicular From Curve

Draw a line segment perpendicular from a curve.

Perpendicular To 2 Curves

Draw one line segment perpendicular to two curves.

Tangent From Curve

Draw a line segment tangent from a curve.

Tangent To 2 Curves

Draw one line segment tangent to two curves.

Tangent, Perpendicular

Draw one line segment tangent and perpendicular to curves.

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