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This command allows you to create multiple copies of an object in a circular pattern.
When running the command, click the selection square to select the object you want to copy. The menu below allows you to set the number of copies, the angle at which to fill them, and many other parameters.
Copies: Define the number of copies.
Angle: Define the angle to cover; default is 360°.
Orientation: Define which plane the copies are arranged on: front, top, side, and CPlane.
Alignment: This defines how to align the copies in a text editor: Left, Center, Right, or Justify.
Mode: Define the copy mode. Details below.
Delete Original
We now present examples of the same model in different modes:
Single: This is the most common mode, simply making a circular copy of the selected elements.
Multirow: When selecting Multirow mode, two new parameters appear: Rows and Distance Between Rows. Additionally, there is the option to enable Both Sides.
Multirow Interpolate: Similar to Multirow, it alternates the copies in the even rows.
Multirow Spherical: The rows are copies and displaced in a spherical shape.
Multirow Spherical Interpolate: The rows are copies and displaced in a spherical shape, with the copies in the even rows alternated.