Blend Edge

The BlendEdge command creates a curvature-continuous blend surface between polysurface edges with varying radius values.

The polysurface is trimmed and joined to the blend.


  1. Select edges. Or, double-click an edge to select tangent edges.

  2. Edit radius handles and options.

Command-line options


  • Yes: Displays radius handles in the viewport.

  • No: Hides radius handles in the viewport. A hidden radius handle will display when the mouse cursor is close to it.

-NextRadius: Specifies the radius for the next edge.

-ChainEdges: Automatically selects connected edge based on continuity.

-FaceEdges: Pick a face to select its boundary edges. Tangent edges are excluded.

-PreviousEdgeSelection: In cases where the command is canceled or ended prematurely, the PreviousEdgeSelection option re-selects the previously selected edges. Supports multiple sets of previously selected edges for up 20 previous edge sets.

-TrimAndJoin: Trims and joins the resulting surface to the input surfaces. History only works if TrimAndJoin=No

-SelectEdges: Allows selecting more edges after the selection has been closed.

-Preview: Displays a dynamic preview. You can change the options and the preview will update

-Edit: Edit the most recent selected set of edges.

  • "Tip": When no command is running, double-clicking the object is the alternative way to start the editing mode.

  • To edit edges

    1.Select the object to edit. The editable edges highlight.

    2.Edit the size of the handles.

    3.Click the SelectEdges option.

    4.Use Shift + click to add edges. Use Ctrl + click to remove edges. Remove all edges in the most recent edge set to return to the previous edge set.

Tip: Radius and Distance options appear on the command line when you drag a handle grip.

Radius/Distance options

-FromCurve: Select a curve. The radius of the curve at the picked location will be used.

-FromTwoPoints: Pick two points to show the radius distance.

Handle options

-AddHandle: Adds a handle along the edges.

-CopyHandle: Adds a new handle using the distance from the selected handle.

-RemoveHandle: Visible only when at least one handle has been added.

-SetAll: Sets the distance or radius for all handles.

-LinkHandles: Editing a single handle updates all handles

RailType options

-DistFromEdge: The distance from the edge curves determines the intersection.

-RollingBall: The radius of a rolling ball determines the intersection.

-DistBetweenRails: The distance between the edge rails determines the intersection

-Preview: Displays a dynamic preview. You can change the options and the preview will update.

-Edit: Allows changing the radius of existing blends.

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

Last updated