Flow Along Curve

The Flow command re-aligns objects from a base curve to a target curve, making it useful for mapping flat or straight shapes to curved ones.

Command-line options:

  • TargetSurface: Uses a surface to orient objects along a target curve based on surface normals.

  • Copy: Creates a copy of the objects during the flow operation.

  • Rigid: Moves objects along the target curve without deforming them.

  • RigidGroups: Applies the Rigid option to groups when enabled.

  • Line: Defines a line as the base curve for the flow operation.

  • Local: Defines a "tube" of influence around the input curve, affecting only objects within this tube.

  • Stretch: Stretches or compresses objects along the target curve to match their relationship to the base curve.

  • PreserveStructure: Maintains the knot structure of curves and surfaces during deformation.

  • Roadlike: Uses frames to calculate 3D rotation when objects are mapped to a 3D target curve.

These options allow for versatile transformations and precise control when aligning objects to curves.

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

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