The SubDSphere command creates a Subdivision sphere object with three different styles.

Command-line options


  1. UV: Creates a UV SubD sphere made out of quad faces and a triangle fan at the poles.

VerticalFaces: The face count in the vertical direction.

AroundFaces: The face count in the horizontal direction.

  1. Quads

Creates a quad SubD sphere with the vertices evenly distributed. A quad SubD sphere starts from a cube (a regular polyhedron with 6 faces). It is then subdivided by the times specified in the Subdivisions option.

Subdivisions: Refines the quad SubD sphere by subdividing each quad into 4 smaller quads every time. The subdivision range is from 0 (6 faces) to 6 (24576 faces).

  1. Triangles

Creates an icospherical SubD with the vertices evenly distributed. A SubD icosphere starts from an icosahedron (a regular polyhedron with 20 equilateral triangles). It is then subdivided by the times specified in the Subdivisions option.

Subdivisions: Refines the icospherical SubD by subdividing each triangle into 4 smaller triangles every time. The subdivision range is from 0 (20 faces) to 5 (20480 faces).

For more information, please refer to the Rhino documentation.

Last updated