The GroundPlane command opens the Ground Plane panel.

The ground plane provides an infinite horizontal platform for the image that stretches to the horizon in all directions positioned at a defined elevation. A ground plane renders much faster than using a surface as a background. Any material can be assigned to the ground plane.

The ground plane does not display in Technical or Wireframe display modes.

On: Turns on the ground plane.

Show underside: Allows the "back" of the ground plane to be visible when viewed from below. Otherwise, the underside is transparent

Height above world XY plane: Sets the ground plane's height above the xy plane.

  • Automatic: Turns on auto-elevation that moves Ground Plane to the lowest point of the objects in the model. New objects added to the scene may change Ground Plane elevation. Auto-elevation ignores non-meshable* object types.


Shadow only: Makes the ground plane transparent, but allows shadows to still be cast on it.

Use a material: Assigns a material to the ground plane and edits the material. For information on setting a material, see Materials.

Texture mapping: These settings apply when a texture applied to the ground plane.

X/Y Offset (units): Specifies the offset distance in units from 0,0,0.

X/Y Size (units): Specifies the size in units of the texture.

Rotation: Specifies the rotation angle of the texture from 0.

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